I was trying to authorize an org, but nothing was happening, or I got an error. It turned out to be one of these issues:
Salesforce CLI wasn't installed or not in the system path: Make sure Salesforce CLI is installed and accessible in the terminal.
VS Code was not linked to Salesforce CLI: Sometimes, restarting VS Code and rechecking CLI installation fixes this.
Authentication or browser issues: The browser didn’t open properly or failed to log me in.
Firewall or proxy settings: Network restrictions blocked the process.
Here are the steps to Fix it:
Check Salesforce CLI Installation:
Open a terminal and type:
sfdx --version
If it doesn’t show a version, install or reinstall Salesforce CLI.
Restart VS Code:
Close and reopen VS Code. Run the command again:
Ctrl+Shift+P → "SFDX: Authorize an Org"
Set Default Browser:
If the browser doesn’t open automatically, set your default browser to Chrome or Edge and try again.
Clear Old Sessions:
Remove any previous authorization issues by running:
sfdx force:auth:logout --all
Use Terminal Authorization as a Backup:
If VS Code still fails, use the terminal:
sfdx force:auth:web:login