Is there a way to install apache drill on an EMR cluster on AWS that is already Running

+3 votes
Please Note I have a running EMR cluster that is persistent. I do not wish for a tear down.
Mar 27, 2018 in Cloud Computing by hemant
• 5,790 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes

Try using Ruby Script. There one for AWS:

You should find one on Github. Make sure there is Ruby installed first. Also, I don't see a reason why it shouldn’t work on an existing cluster. EMR runs bootstrap scripts after all the selected EMR components are installed, Hadoop user created, and config settings applied. Of course, you'd test this on a new cluster, so you don't break your persistent one.

Make sure you use SCP or S3 because your script would run on every node. Also make sure you pick up the latest version to stay updated and installation to happen smoothly:

EMR clusters are bound to tear down. To ease this process, we have bootstrap scripts & cluster configuration. You may want to boot up, run job, tear down. This would be more affordable.

answered Mar 27, 2018 by brat_1
• 7,200 points
0 votes

Assuming you have SSM installed you can use ssm.send_command (send the command to all nodes) to call an S3 script which installs and starts drill on a running EMR cluster.

There is an example of this here:

answered Aug 28, 2018 by eatcodesleeprepeat
• 4,710 points
0 votes

It looks to be trying to get apache-drill-1.0.0.tar.gz from which should currently be v1.12.0 from the newer site so at least that part needs to change. It also installs Zookeeper to run Drill, so check if you are already running Zookeeper as Drill will need to install as a new application in there if zookeeper is already there, you might experience issues if you try installing over the top, version compatibility is something to double check.

answered Oct 11, 2018 by findingbugs
• 4,780 points

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