What C or C libraries can help in developing custom security tools for ethical hacking

+1 vote
I’d like to explore C and C++ for building security tools, especially for ethical hacking purposes. I’ve heard that low-level programming can offer more control and performance but don’t know where to start with libraries or frameworks suitable for this domain.

Are there specific libraries or toolkits in C/C++ that are commonly used for developing custom security tools? Any recommendations for resources to learn more about this would also be helpful.
Oct 29 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 6,890 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Here are some C/C++ libraries commonly used in building security tools:

  • Libpcap/WinPcap: Capture network packets. Essential for packet sniffers and traffic analyzers.
  • OpenSSL: Cryptographic functions (AES, RSA, SHA). Good for securing communication channels and implementing encryption.
  • libnet: Craft and inject custom network packets. Useful for building tools like port scanners and spoofers.
  • libcurl: Transfer data over HTTP, FTP, and others. Ideal for web scanners or HTTP fuzzing.
  • Crypto++: Extensive cryptography library. Useful for hashing, encryption, and secure data handling.
  • Nmap (libnmap): Network scanning functionality. Integrate Nmap features directly in custom scanners.
  • Zlib: Data compression library. Reduces data size for logging and network transmission.
  • Boost ASIO: Asynchronous network programming. Good for creating efficient servers and handling I/O.
  • SQLite: Lightweight embedded database. Useful for storing scan results or logs.
  • PcapPlusPlus: C++ wrapper for libpcap. Easier packet crafting and analysis with object-oriented design.
answered Nov 6 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 9,600 points
This is exactly the kind of guidance I was looking for! Your breakdown of libraries like OpenSSL and libpcap is particularly helpful. Can’t wait to try them out in my projects.

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