How to enable vertical scroll bar on David Bacci s Deneb Gantt Chart

+1 vote
How to enable vertical scroll bar on David Bacci's Deneb Gantt Chart?

I'm working on a project using David Bacci's Deneb Gantt Chart in Power BI, and I need to enable a vertical scroll bar to better navigate long charts. I understand that vertical scrolling is essential for viewing extensive data, but I’m unsure how to implement it in Deneb. Is there a specific setting or configuration I can adjust to enable the vertical scroll bar? Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!
Oct 28 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 8,370 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Suppose you're using the Deneb Gantt Chart for Power BI created by David Bacci and looking to enable vertical scrolling within the chart. In that case, you will need to tweak some options related to layout and scrolling in the chart settings.

While within Deneb itself, there is no option to enable a vertical scroll bar, you can enable vertical scrolling in the charts by either changing the height of the visible area or adjusting the amount of data so that it fits within the visible region.

Increase the Viewport Height: Try increasing the height property in the chart's JSON specification. This will allow more points of data to fit vertically, and Power BI will add a scroll bar when the content expands past the height of the screen.

Restrict the Amount of Data Displayed: Another strategy is to discourage the depiction of all the data on one page. Certain filters or parameters can be designed to limit the visible date range or particular task groups shown to lessen the amount of information displayed at one time and allow such information to be more easily found.

Ringfence Visuals: Embedding the Deneb visual in a Power BI visual and activating its scroll functionality can also enhance the user experience. This allows scrolling whenever the chart goes beyond the original view.

answered Oct 29 by pooja
• 8,470 points

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