What is Azure Data Lake storage Gen2

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I’m working on a project that needs to store tons of data for analytics, and I came across Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Can anyone explain what it is and how it works with big data?
Oct 27 in Azure by Priyanka
• 4,500 points

1 answer to this question.

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 is a secure and cost-effective solution for storing large amounts of data. It is designed for big data analytics and can easily scale to meet your needs.

Features of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

  • Hierarchical File System: This helps you organize data in folders and subfolders. This makes it easier to manage large sets of data.

  • Integration with Azure Services: Azure Databricks, Azure HDInsight, and Azure Synapse Analytics for big data analysis.

  • Scalability: This system can manage large amounts of data, which makes it ideal for big data tasks, data storage, and data analysis.

  • Performance: This system can manage large amounts of data, which makes it ideal for big data tasks, data storage, and data analysis.

  • Data Governance: This software helps manage data throughout its lifecycle and connects with Azure Purview to organize data effectively.

Benefits of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

  • Cost-Effective: You pay only for the storage you actually use. This pay-as-you-go pricing helps you keep your storage costs in check.

  • Enhanced Security: This system offers strong security features. It controls access through Azure Active Directory and encrypts data both when it is stored and when it is being transferred.

  • Efficient Analytics: Offers a unified storage platform for efficient big data analytics, handling both structured and unstructured data.

  • Flexibility: Allows you to store a wide variety of data types, making it suitable for diverse analytical scenarios.

  • Simplified Data Management: The structure organizes data clearly and connects easily with Azure services. This makes data management simpler and helps you find information more quickly.

If you want to learn more about Azure Data Factory, click here for everything you need to know!

answered Oct 30 by Raani

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