How do you detect memory leaks in Angular and fix them

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How do you detect memory leaks in Angular and fix them?

I'm developing an Angular application and am concerned about potential memory leaks that could impact performance. I suspect there may be issues, but I’m unsure how to detect them effectively. What tools or techniques can I use to identify memory leaks in my application? Additionally, once detected, what are the best practices for fixing these leaks to ensure optimal performance?

Oct 25 in Web Development by Nidhi
• 3,240 points

1 answer to this question.

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Imagine your computer is a room and each app you open is a box. When you close an app , you expect the box to disappear, freeing up space. But sometimes, a box might get stuck and not go away , even after you close the app. This is a memory leak.

How to find memory leaks :

1. Check your computer’s performance : If your computer starts to feel slow or unresponsive, especially after using a particular app for a long time , it might be a sign of a memory leak.
2. Use special tools : There are tools like Angular DevTools that can help you find these stuck boxes and figure out which app is causing them.

How to fix memory leaks:

1. Close unnecessary apps: Sometimes , simply  closing apps you’re not using can help free up memory.
2. Restart your computer : A restart can often clear up any stuck boxes and make your computer run smoothly again.
3. Update your apps: Outdated apps might have bugs that cause memory leaks. Keeping your apps up-to-date can help prevent these problems.
4. Check for specific issues : If you’re using a particular app and suspect it’s causing a memory leak , try to identify any specific actions or setting that might be the problem.
answered Oct 25 by kavya

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