I followed this guide,
This uses react native to speak to a amazon cloud database,
Everything goes fine untill I run the application on my emulator and I get this output:
11:09:13: Starting Android...
› Press a to open Android device or emulator.
› Press q to display QR code.
› Press r to restart packager, or R to restart packager and clear cache.
› Press d to toggle development mode. (current mode: development)
11:09:44: Finished building JavaScript bundle in 28795ms
11:09:47: Get item: key is federatedInfo with options undefined
11:09:47: Get item: key is federatedInfo with options undefined
11:09:47: Running app on HUAWEI MLA-AL10 in development mode
11:09:47: Get item: key is federatedInfo with options undefined
11:09:47: Get item: key is federatedInfo with options undefined
11:09:52: Get item: key is AWSAnalytics_REALLYLONGSTRING with options undefined
I followed the guide perfectly but it still doesn't work, I followed the guide of installing Yarn and it looked happy but still gave this error at the end.
Is this because of my setup or the AWS permissions side?
Thank you for any help :)

Apparently these are not errors they are more like warning information, I spoke to the people over at Amazon and they said something about them being about the fact that i'm trying to access the database directly and not through a sign in api. Not really sure if I understood them correctly but they were pretty chilled about it.
If anyone has anymore information about it or can clarify further I will select that as the correct answer so the question can close.