How do I assume an IAM role using the AWS CLI

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Can you show me how to assume an IAM role through the AWS CLI? I'm trying to figure it out?
Oct 23 in AWS by Priyanka
• 4,500 points

1 answer to this question.

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I was trying to assume an IAM role with the AWS CLI, but I missed setting it up right in the prerequisites. Make sure to check that first, then move forward.

  • AWS CLI Setup: Ensure the AWS CLI is installed and configured with your credentials.

  • IAM Role Configuration: The role must exist with a trust policy allowing your user to assume it and appropriate permissions attached to it.

  • Permission Checks:  Your IAM user or group must have sts: AssumeRole permission, and the role must have the necessary policies for the actions you need to perform.

Follow these steps to Assume an IAM Role:

  • To create your IAM policy, run the command and Make sure to replace policy.json with the path to your policy document. image

  • Find the ARN of the IAM role you want to use. It looks like this:


  • Run this aws sts assume-role command to assume the role:



Replace <account-id> and <role-name> with your role's details and <session-name> with a name for your session (this can be any identifier).

  • The command returns JSON with AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and SessionToken.


  • Set Environment Variables (Optional): To use the temporary credentials, you can export them as environment variables:


  • To verify that you've assumed the role successfully, you can run.


answered Oct 26 by anonymous

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