What are the best practices for creating calculated columns versus measures in Power BI

+2 votes
What are the best practices for creating calculated columns versus measures in Power BI?

Understanding the distinction and the relevant scenarios for using each can be vital in enhancing the performance and usability of a data model. Discuss and give examples of how users can learn to use calculated columns and measures and when to prefer one over the other.
Oct 21, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 21,930 points

2 answers to this question.

+2 votes

Use Calculated Columns for Static Row-Level Calculations. Calculated columns are evaluated at refresh time and reside in the data model.

They're good for static, row-level calculations that do not depend on report interactions, such as creating categories, flags, or combining columns. Use them when you need a column to be part of a slicer or filter or when the result should be stored for each row.

  • Use Measures for Dynamic Aggregations and Calculations: Measures are calculated at runtime and context-sensitive; they change according to user interactions, such as filters, slicers, or even the report page.

Apply measures to calculations that roll up or aggregate data (such as sums, averages, or percentages) whenever you want the results to update with the report visuals automatically.

  • Performance Consideration: Measures are more memory-friendly because they are not stored in the data model but are calculated on the fly. Calculated columns increase model size and can adversely affect performance, especially if there are a large number of records in the dataset.

Use measures wherever possible to ensure your data models are smaller and your reports perform better.

  • Model Readability: Do not add calculated columns to the table for things that measures can handle—this will make your data model cleaner and easier to manage.

Applying calculated columns to row-level, static data and measures to dynamic, context-aware calculations creates efficient reports in Power BI.

answered Oct 21, 2024 by pooja
• 21,590 points
This is a great explanation! It clearly differentiates when to use calculated columns versus measures in Power BI, highlighting their purposes and impact on performance. The emphasis on using measures to keep the model efficient and readable is spot on. Perfect advice for building optimized and maintainable reports!
0 votes
  • It is contextual and purposive; thus, the choice of columns and measures calculated in Power BI is based on the situation. A table’s calculated columns allow new fields to be created row-wise within the table through minimization of existing values in case of static computation, such as categorization of data as high or low. These can be defined in the data model and can occupy space in memory; hence, it is best not to store them in the model for very large datasets unless there is no other option.
  • Measures are also described as a conceptual metamorphosis that takes place by actuating the processes of “calculation” through the presence of factors such as slicers or filters in any visual context. They are great for totaling numbers, percentages, or other critical measures, such as net sales or profit. Because measures are only used during a query and do not persist, they do not take up additional space like all other storage calculated and uploaded to DB.
  • So, if one bases the choice on flexibility and performance aspects, one will prefer measures over calculated columns. In contrast, calculated columns will suit those static row-wise calculations that could not be done on the source’s data. For example, one is expected to create a measure for determining the “Total Revenue” as a foyer of Sales Revenue (SUM(Sales[Revenue])); however, one will be able to create a calculated column for “Category” as shown below where one if statement is formulated where sales of amounts more than 1000 will be categorized as high and any other amount as low.
answered Nov 20, 2024 by Anu
• 3,020 points

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