While deciding where to load and store JSON data in a React application, we have a few options, including Redux, local component state, or even context API.
Let’s see when to use Redux versus other methods
When to Use Redux:
1. Global State Management: When the JSON data is required by multiple components across different levels of our application, Redux is a good choice as it allows us to manage the state in a centralized store that can be accessed by any component.
2. Complex State Logic: Suppose our application requires multiple actions to update the state based on user interactions and our application has complex state transitions, Redux's predictable state container can help manage this complexity and make it easy
3. Debugging: If we want to track the state changes during development we can use Redux debugging tools , such as time-travel debugging.
4. Middleware: Suppose we want to handle asynchronous actions (like fetching data from an API), Redux middleware (like `redux-thunk` or `redux-saga`) can simplify this process.
5. Redux Toolkit: It simplifies a lot of Redux boilerplate, and make Redux more approachable for even moderately complex applications.
When to Consider Alternatives:
1. Component-Level State: Suppose the JSON data is for a small part of application or relevant only to a specific component we can use local state via the `useState` or `useReducer` hooks which might be more straightforward.
2. Context API: Suppose we need to share state between a few components without the overhead of Redux, the Context API can be a simpler solution as it allows us to pass data through the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level.
3. Performance: Redux introduces some overhead, especially if we have a large state tree or if we are frequently updating the state. For simple applications, local state management can be more efficient.
4. Simple: If our application is small and simple , we can use React’s built-in hooks for state management as it will give a cleaner and more maintainable code.
5. Data Fetching Libraries: We can also introduce libraries like **React Query** or **SWR** as an alternative for handling server-side data fetching, caching, and synchronization, which can reduce the need for Redux in certain scenarios.
We can choose accordingly , If we are using global state management we will consider Redux otherwise we can consider other alternatives.
Related Question: Manage global state without Redux in React