I also got the error 'Cannot perform an interactive login from a non-TTY device.' I fixed the issue this way, and I am sharing all possible different methods to resolve it.
1: Use Non-Interactive Methods
If you're trying to avoid interaction in an automation or script, you can configure AWS credentials instead of logging in each time.
Run aws configure in the terminal.
Enter your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, region, and output format.
Credentials are saved, and you won't need an interactive login for future commands.
2: Force a TTY (for SSH scenarios)
If you're using SSH and need an interactive session, you can force the use of a terminal with the—t flag.
Use ssh -t user@hostname.
The -t flag forces an interactive terminal session.
You can now execute interactive commands remotely.
3: Running Docker Containers
When running Docker containers and facing this issue, make the container interactive using the -it flag.
Run docker run -it <container-name>.
This opens an interactive terminal inside the Docker container.
4: CI/CD Pipelines
In CI/CD pipelines (like Jenkins), use environment variables instead of interactive logins.
Set environment variables:
These are non-interactive and work well in automated environments.