How do we move a domain from Hostgator to AWS Route 53

+2 votes
I and my team were working on our website and all of a sudden Hostgator went down long hours, I and my clients are very upset and want to change everything to AWS.

Everything is done so far, only the domains ( are missing, I'm having a hard time trying to migrate from Hostgator to Route 53, am I supposed to remove everything and create from beginning from AWS?
Does anyone know about this? or have any exp. in this? Please help me out.
Apr 27, 2018 in AWS by Flying geek
• 3,280 points

2 answers to this question.

0 votes
I can't tell how glad I am to answer this, cuz I am also a victim of Hostgator's horrible services :P

It's easy to move it :

Login on your aws console, Click on Route 53; Create Hosted Zone, then select your newly created host title and click "Go to Record Sets", take note of the nameservers;

Login to your Hostgator account: Then Select your domain, go to Nameservers and click SetNameservers, paste all the four you took from "Go to Record Sets" Route 53;

anddddd you're done with Hostgator - Welcome to Amazing Amazon's Services :)

Good Luck
answered Apr 27, 2018 by Cloud gunner
• 4,670 points
0 votes

I found this 

Before transferring a domain, make sure that your current registrar will allow the transfer, that Amazon supports the top-level domain (TLD) of your domain name, and that your DNS is configured to route traffic to your domain correctly after your domain is transferred.

When you're ready, you can transfer your domain by following the instructions at Transferring Registration for a Domain to Amazon Route 53.

Note: Some TLDs have additional requirements to transfer domains, and you might need to contact your current registrar directly to unlock a domain, get a transfer authorization code, or update the information on the domain to allow the transfer.

and for more information, you can use the below link

answered Aug 3, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points

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