No DevOps working environment is possible without command line tools for the automation of tasks, management of infrastructure, and troubleshooting. Here are a few favorite command-line tools and their use in daily workflow:
Usage: One of the most fundamental yet crucial parts of DevOps is version control. Git is heavily used for code repository management. It ensures that teams may or may not be able to track changes, collaborations, and the deployment of code.
Daily Workflows: It is widely used in branching, merging, reverting code changes; it makes it a very important part of the CI/CD pipelines.
Docker Usage: Docker is meant for creating, managing, and running containers. It simplifies deploying applications by bundling the application along with its dependencies.
Daily Workflows: You can build images and run containers, manage applications containerized directly from the command line by running such commands as docker build, docker run, docker ps.
Usage: This application runs your Kubernetes clusters. It allows you to work with your Kubernetes resources; this way you will be able to control applications in scale.
Daily Workflows: Commands that use kubectl include: deployment of applications, inspecting and managing cluster resources, scaling services, and the handling of logs.
Usage: Ansible is a most popular tool in terms of configuration management and automation. It lets you manage even the complex deployments across several servers by simple YAML playbooks.
Daily workflows: You use commands, such as ansible-playbook, to provision software, manage configurations, and deploy applications.
These tools help smooth out DevOps workflows by removing tedious repetitive tasks, ensuring consistency, and giving powerful means to manage infrastructure efficiently. Enroll in a DevOps course today to master automation, CI/CD, infrastructure as code, and other essential DevOps skills!