Why Java is not pure object oriented

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Could you provide a detailed explanation as to why Java is often not considered a purely object-oriented programming language? In your response, please include specific aspects of Java's design and features, such as its use of primitive data types and the presence of static methods, that deviate from the principles of pure object-oriented programming.
Nov 26, 2023 in Java by Saniya
• 3,360 points

1 answer to this question.

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Java is often described as not being a "pure" object-oriented language. This assessment is based on how strictly a language adheres to the core principles of object-oriented programming (OOP). To understand why Java isn't considered purely object-oriented, it's important to first understand what constitutes a pure object-oriented language:

Characteristics of a Pure Object-Oriented Language

  1. Everything is an Object: All elements in the language are treated as objects, derived from a single root class.
  2. Encapsulation: All data (attributes) and code (methods) are bound together in objects.
  3. Inheritance: Objects can inherit characteristics from other objects.
  4. Polymorphism: Objects can take on multiple forms, typically through inheritance and interfaces.
  5. Abstraction: Complex details are hidden behind simple interfaces.

Reasons Why Java is Not Purely Object-Oriented

  1. Primitive Data Types: Java includes primitive data types (like int, float, char, boolean) that are not objects. In a purely object-oriented language, everything is supposed to be an object. However, in Java, these primitive types are not objects for performance reasons.

  2. Static Methods and Variables: Java supports static methods and variables. Static methods and variables are associated with a class, not an instance of a class, which goes against the object-oriented principle that everything should be an object.

  3. Use of Non-Object Elements: Elements like static blocks and the main method are not part of any object, yet they are used frequently in Java programs.

  4. Lack of Multiple Inheritance: Java does not support multiple inheritance directly through classes. While it provides a form of multiple inheritance through interfaces, the inability to inherit from multiple classes is seen as a departure from pure object-orientation.

Mitigating Factors

  • Wrapper Classes and Autoboxing: Java provides wrapper classes for all primitive data types (e.g., Integer for int, Double for double). This allows for a form of object-oriented handling of primitive types. Moreover, with autoboxing and unboxing, the conversion between primitives and their wrapper object types is handled automatically.
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes: While Java doesn't support multiple class inheritance, it offers interfaces and abstract classes to achieve a similar effect in a controlled manner.


Java is largely object-oriented and adheres to many of the principles of OOP, but its practical design choices, such as including primitive data types and static methods for efficiency and simplicity, mean that it cannot be classified as a "pure" object-oriented language. These choices reflect a balance between the idealistic purity of OOP and the practical needs of software development, where performance and ease of use are critical concerns.

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answered Nov 29, 2023 by anonymous
• 3,360 points

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