What is PMBOK guide in project management

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Could you please provide an explanation or overview of what is PMBOK guide in project management?
Sep 25, 2023 in PMP by anonymous
• 1,170 points

1 answer to this question.

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Certainly! PMBOK stands for "Project Management Body of Knowledge." It is a comprehensive and widely recognized book or framework that includes a set of best practices, guidelines, and terminology that are accepted as standard within the project management industry. The first edition of “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)” was published by the PMI in 1996. It is now on its 7th edition, published on the 1st of August 2021, and is available in 12 languages.

Key points about PMBOK:

1. Framework for Project Management: PMBOK serves as a framework that outlines the fundamental processes, knowledge areas, and concepts associated with effective project management.

2. Developed by PMI: The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the organization behind PMBOK. PMI is a globally recognized professional association for project managers and professionals in related fields.

3. Knowledge Areas: PMBOK is organized into knowledge areas, each of which represents a specific aspect of project management. Examples of knowledge areas include project scope management, time management, cost management, and risk management.

4. Process Groups: PMBOK divides project management processes into process groups, which represent the chronological phases of a project's life cycle. The process groups are initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and controlling, and closing.

5. Processes and Inputs/Outputs: Within each knowledge area and process group, PMBOK defines individual processes with detailed inputs, tools and techniques, and outputs. This structure helps project managers understand how to execute and manage various aspects of a project.

6. Standard Terminology: PMBOK establishes a common set of terms and definitions used in project management, ensuring clear communication and understanding among project stakeholders.

7. Applicability: PMBOK is not specific to any industry or type of project. It is adaptable and can be applied to projects in various domains, including IT, construction, healthcare, and more.

8. Certification: PMBOK is often used as a reference for the PMP certification exam, which is a widely recognized credential for project managers.

Project managers and professionals use PMBOK as a guide to improve project management practices, enhance project success rates, and ensure consistency in project execution. It provides a structured approach to project management that covers the entire project life cycle, from initiation to closure, making it a valuable resource for both experienced and aspiring project managers.

answered Sep 25, 2023 by Edureka
• 12,690 points

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