How to add UI Kits e g Google Material to Adobe Experience Design

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I installed Adobe XD (Experience Design) for UI/UX design in Android and noticed there are UI Kits for different platforms. When I click on them, instead of opening them like what I saw in many different online tutorials it just opens the web page to download. What is wrong? Or is there something wrong?

I use windows 10 build 15063.608.

UI Kits menu inside Hamburger menu

Apr 25, 2023 in UI UX Design by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

1 answer to this question.

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To add UI Kits, such as Google Material, to Adobe Experience Design, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Adobe XD and click on the hamburger menu in the upper left corner.

  2. Select "Get UI Kits" from the drop-down menu.

  3. This will open a new window with a list of available UI Kits. Select the Google Material UI Kit.

  4. Instead of just clicking on the "Download" button, right-click on it and select "Copy link address".

  5. Now, go back to Adobe XD and click on "File" > "Open UI Kit" > "From URL".

  6. Paste the copied link address into the URL field and click "Open".

  7. This will start the download of the UI Kit and automatically import it into Adobe XD.

If this method still does not work, you can try manually importing the UI Kit by downloading the file from the web page and then importing it into Adobe XD. To do this, click on "File" > "Open UI Kit" > "From File" and select the downloaded UI Kit file.

I hope this helps!

To know more about UI UX, It's recommended to join UI UX Design Certification Course today.

answered Apr 25, 2023 by vinayak

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