Coding Photoshop UI UX to fully working website

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I am working on a website UI/UX design in Photoshop. The core functions that the website will have are searchable content, adding payment credit card to account, monthly membership payment, payment history and infographics on money spent on website services (like a client service being featured on a search - like

My question is: what is the best option to code the website using the UI/UX I design to incorporate the fuctions I need.
Apr 25, 2023 in UI UX Design by Ashwini
• 5,430 points

1 answer to this question.

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To turn your Photoshop UI/UX design into a fully working website with the desired features, you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Choose a Front-end Framework: The first step is to choose a front-end framework that will help you to code your website easily. Some popular front-end frameworks are Bootstrap, Foundation, and Materialize. These frameworks come with pre-built CSS and JavaScript libraries, making it easier for you to build your website.

  2. Write HTML and CSS: Once you have chosen a front-end framework, you can start writing HTML and CSS for your website. You can use your Photoshop design as a reference to create the layout and design of your website.

  3. Incorporate Animations: To add animations to your website, you can use JavaScript libraries like jQuery, GreenSock, or Velocity.js. These libraries provide easy-to-use functions to animate your website elements. You can use your desired animation.

  4. Add Functionality: To add the required functionality to your website, you will need to use back-end programming languages like PHP, Python, or Node.js. You can use a framework like Laravel, Django, or Express.js to make the development process easier.

  5. Test and Launch: Once you have completed the development process, you should test your website thoroughly to ensure that everything works as expected. You can then launch your website on a web hosting platform.

In conclusion, to turn your Photoshop UI/UX design into a fully working website, you will need to use a front-end framework, write HTML and CSS, add animations using JavaScript libraries, incorporate the required functionality using back-end programming languages, and test and launch your website. To know more about UI UX, It's recommended to join UX Design Course today.

answered Apr 25, 2023 by Anitha

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