I'm trying to create a custom object detection model in tflite format so that I can use it in a flutter application with the google_mlkit_object_detection package.
The first few models, I created using yolov8 and converted to tflite. The annotations were made with roboflow and the google colab notebook I used was provided by them, the metadata of the converted tflite model looks like the following image

On this model I was getting the error
Input tensor has type kTfLiteFloat32: it requires specifying NormalizationOptions metadata to preprocess input images.
So as suggested I tried to change the metadata and add normalizationOptions but failed to do so. My second alternative was to train a model with the official TensorFlow google colab notebook TensorFlow Lite Model Maker and it generated a model with the following metadata

For this model the error was
Unexpected number of dimensions for output index 1: got 3D, expected either 2D (BxN with B=1) or 4D
So I checked the model from the example app from the package I am using "google_mlkit_object_detection" and the metadata looks like this

So my question is, how can I alter the models I already trained whichever it is easier, to look like this, both input and output, do I have to alter my model's architecture or just the metadata? The second one trained with the official notebook from tensor flow, it seems that all I have to do is include the correct shape format [1,N], but again I might have to change the architecture.