Microsoft Excel - slow to open

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I have to access MS Excel frequently each day for work. It takes a few seconds to launch Excel or open an.xlsx file, which, in my opinion, is due to the loading of several AddIns that we require for work. This is irritating.

Is it possible to launch Excel without AddIns (for a rapid start) and have the choice to load them if necessary? (For context: frequently, we need to read an xlsx file without utilising any add-ins or macros.) As an illustration, consider using a macro to load the standard Add-ins. (I am aware that Excel has a checkbox you can use to select the add-ins you want to load, but this is a bit confusing.)
Mar 21, 2023 in Others by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

1 answer to this question.

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We used to have a bat file that, I believe, was called from the Autoexec as the last statement, open Word and Excel. We always kept a small file open and never closed Excel or Word once it was open.

We did this because there were only so many licences available, and if you didn't acquire one, you could have to do without Excel or Word all day.

Two of us did this for the secretary (who was quite helpful), and as word spread about it to the rest of the department, we also did it for them. Never admit it because we needed the advantage and there were over 1000 potential users on the site.
answered Mar 21, 2023 by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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