Using AWS Android TransferUtility in Service

+1 vote

This includes Android SDK’s in S3. Can I use it  service for a particular set, and transfer listener and use it to send updates to application or create notifications too.

 I know that the TransferUtility lets one create a service for its own use.

Please help!

Apr 26, 2018 in Cloud Computing by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote
I am not certain what you is entirely possible, but you can start a service from another service.

When TransferUtility fails to work  its because Amazon S3 client gets garbage collected before TransferService gets it. Now an object is passed as a parcelable between components. But it is complicated to make S3 client parcelable.

Hence the SDK can actually take an alternate route by passing a weak reference of it stored in a static map. The key is that the caller must keep the S3 client alive before TransferService gets it.
answered Apr 26, 2018 by DragonLord999
• 8,450 points
0 votes

Yes it's possible to start a service from another service.

TransferUtility may fail to work if its Amazon S3 client gets garbage collected before TransferService gets it. Normally an object is passed as a parcelable in an intent between components. However it's quite complicated to make S3 client parcelable. So the SDK takes an alternate route by passing a weak reference of it stored in a static map. The key is that the caller must keeps the S3 client alive before TransferService gets it.

See for more information.

answered Aug 21, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
0 votes
I found this amazon blog that helps us understand more about the Transfer Utility in service.
Hope this helps
answered Sep 4, 2018 by eatcodesleeprepeat
• 4,710 points

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