AWS S3 pricing - data transfer in out

+4 votes
I know AWS has flexible price and I have tried understanding it. I have a few requirements and I am not sure if I will be charged Can any one help here? Let me give you some information on my situation.

I wish store objects in S3 which I know is a storage service. Total usage size should be around a GB or more.

If I keep these object to one region (I mean their storage). Now if I create an application, will I be charged for Data transfer(IN/OUT) if I store and fetch these objects using my application (Mobile application). Please help…
Mar 30, 2018 in Cloud Computing by code_ninja
• 6,300 points

3 answers to this question.

+2 votes
Yes, you would be charged or billed for the IN/OUT Data transfer. Look,  it does not matter if you keep your objects restricted to one region. Even if the Data transfer is Intra region, it would happen through the internet you are connected to, you will be charged because there requests that would happen through your mobile application and you will also be charged as per the Data transferred through it. AWS provides you with a calculator. A suggestion would be to estimate your expenses accordingly.
answered Mar 30, 2018 by brat_1
• 7,200 points
+2 votes

Yes, you will be billed because you mobile app will connect from internet. Even connected from within AWS there are fees associated with your number of requests and data transferred (inside region or outside region).

You can use the AWS Calc to get an estimate for the cost associated:

answered Oct 16, 2018 by AWS Educat
+2 votes

All traffic FROM mobile phones to S3 or EC2 is free. All traffic TO mobile phones from S3/CloudFront is billed according to a selected region. Take a look at

Keep in mind that incoming traffic (to S3) is free only if you're NOT using S3 Transfer Acceleration.

answered Oct 16, 2018 by anish

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