I have an excel formula for a column that automatically fills in all the business days from date X to the present. However, when I apply a COUNTIF formula to the column to its right, the cells are not automatically filled as they were before; instead, you have to drag down to finish the formulas. I want this to be automatic as well.
The first column is fulfilled with the following formula: =WORKDAY(MIN(Data\[Fecha_Completa\]-1);SEQUENCE(NETWORKDAYS(MIN(Data\[Fecha_Completa\]-1);MAX(Data\[Fecha_Completa\]-1)))), and the second one (which doesn´t fulfill automatically): =IF(COUNTIFS(Data\[Fecha_Completa\];A2)=0;A2;""); in which it is explained that, if the date of the first column is found in the database (Data[fechacompleta]), I want excel to return me nothing, but if it isn´t found, I want excel to return me the same date. Then the problem is that the second column isn´t fulfilled automatically at the same time as the first does.

The formula exists for that value, as you can see in the first image, but once more dates are added to the database (as you can see in the second image when we get to February), the formula ceases to function and forces me to drag it down.
I tried applying the formula to the entire column, but that wasn't what we were going for because it would have made the file heavier.