Check rows within a nested partition have the same values

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I have a table with two IDs, and I need to check that for a particular ID1 and ID2, all the products are the same and the same number of products.

For example in the table below, I have 10001 which has 123 and 234, and there's a line missing which is 123 having Product 2, and

for 20002, 345 and 456 both have Product 3 and 4 but, there's a difference in the last product. I need to find such cases in my data.

ID1     ID2     Product
10001   123     Product 1
10001   234     Product 1
10001   234     Product 2
20002   345     Product 3
20002   345     Product 4
20002   345     Product 5
20002   456     Product 3
20002   456     Product 4
20002   456     Product 6

The perfect scenario will be, which will be correct.

ID1     ID2     Product
10001   123     Product 1
10001   123     Product 2
10001   234     Product 1
10001   234     Product 2
20002   345     Product 3
20002   345     Product 4
20002   345     Product 5
20002   456     Product 3
20002   456     Product 4
20002   456     Product 5

Basically I need to find all the cases in my data where in a particular ID1, all the ID2's don't have consistent products, by consistent products I mean all ID2s should have the same products within an ID1.

Any suggestions on a way to find the cases in the first table?

Sep 27, 2018 in Tableau by Naruto
• 710 points

1 answer to this question.

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Imagine you've loaded your data into a dict, and product list is a set (this would help you guarantee that products aren't duplicated for an id1, id2, by the way):

data = {
    10001: {
        123: set([1]),
        234: set([1,2])
    20002: {
        345: set([3,4,6]),
        456: set([3,4,6])

Then you can check if two values for id2 have the same items by using the '^' operator on sets. Check For example:

a = data[10001][123]
b = data[10001][234]
c = a ^ b # len(c) will be >0 !!

'^' calculatesthe symmetric difference between both sets, so it will return the empty set if and only if both sets are equal.

So you can iterate over all id2 keys for a given id1 and break with a message once '^' of it and the previous one hasn't got zero len. Example:

for id1 in data:
    last_seen = None
    for id2 in data[id1]:
        actual = data[id1][id2]
        if last_seen != None and len(last_seen ^ actual) != 0:
                print('Items for id1 {} are not equal'.format(id1))
        last_seen = actual

This is supposing your csv file isn't necessarly ordered so you needed to load it into a dict... If your file is ordered by ids then you can read the file and do the job at once, of course, i'm sure you can adapt this.

answered Sep 27, 2018 by AwesomeSauce
• 860 points

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