How do I replace " " with " " and ">" with ">" in a HTML Document. Is there any specific function available that I can use in Java?
I guess you can use this function: StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4()
We can find out the no. of ...READ MORE
Binary arithmetic operations on char and byte ...READ MORE
You can use string.indexOf('s'). If the 's' is present in string, ...READ MORE
If you are using Java 1.5 or ...READ MORE
Yes; the Java Language Specification writes: In the Java ...READ MORE
Using three dots: public void move(Object... x) { ...READ MORE
You can use split() method. str = "Hello ...READ MORE
System.out.println("\f"); You can paste the above ↑↑ code ...READ MORE
Take a look to this example: https://github.com/burningwave/co ...READ MORE
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") is used when Java generics just don't ...READ MORE
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