how to connect ELK to Oracle DB using JDBC input plugin

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How do I connect to ORACLE DB and transfer data to elasticsearch? 

I installed elasticsearch, logstash, and kibana, but I can't find the config file that allows me to connect. 

My product's version number is 7.17.8.

Jan 3, 2023 in DevOps on Cloud by Damonlang
• 1,230 points

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To connect ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) to an Oracle database using the JDBC input plugin, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the JDBC input plugin on Logstash. You can do this by using the logstash-plugin command:
logstash-plugin install logstash-input-jdbc
  1. Download the Oracle JDBC driver and place it in the Logstash classpath. You can do this by placing the JAR file in the "lib" directory of your Logstash installation.

  2. Create a new configuration file for the JDBC input plugin in Logstash. You can do this by creating a file called "oracle.conf" in the "conf.d" directory of your Logstash installation.

  3. In the configuration file, specify the connection details for your Oracle database. This includes the JDBC URL, username, and password. You will also need to specify the path to the JDBC driver JAR file.

  4. In the configuration file, specify the SQL query that you want to use to extract data from the database. You can use placeholders in the query to specify dynamic values, such as timestamps.

  5. Start Logstash and pass it the configuration file you just created. Logstash will use the JDBC input plugin to connect to the Oracle database, extract the data, and send it to Elasticsearch.

  6. You can then use Kibana to visualize the data in Elasticsearch.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

answered Jan 5, 2023 by David
• 220 points

edited Mar 5

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