Creating a chart in Excel that ignores N A or blank cells

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A dynamic data series will be used in the chart I'm trying to make. Each string in the graph is based on an absolute range, although only a portion of that range may have data, with the remainder being #N/A.

The chart's #N/A cells should all be ignored; instead, they are all assigned values, which is an issue. I've found a way to get around that by utilizing named dynamic ranges, however, that is incredibly inefficient because each chart has four dynamic series, and I need to create 25 of these charts.
Any other options that let me set a range for a data series as per usual while instructing the chart to ignore all "#N/A" or blank cells?
Nov 2, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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Using an IF statement to return an unwelcome value to "" caused the chart to behave as you described, and I was experiencing the same problem.

However, when I substituted #N/A for "," The graphic ignored the erroneous data (it's vital to notice that there are no quotation marks, thus it should read #N/A and not "#N/A"). Even with an erroneous FALSE statement, it still functioned correctly; the only change was that #NAME? was returned as the error in the cell rather than #N/A. To illustrate what I mean, let me use a fictitious IF statement:

---> Returned "" into cell when statement is FALSE and plotted on chart 
     (this is unwanted as you described)

---> Returned #N/A as text when statement is FALSE and plotted on chart 
     (this is also unwanted as you described)

---> Returned #N/A as Error when statement is FALSE and does not plot on chart (Ideal)

---> Returned #NAME? as Error when statement is FALSE and does not plot on chart 
    (Ideal, and this is because any letter without quotations is not a valid statement)
answered Nov 4, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

edited 5 days ago

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