Excel How to analyze data in a table that contains multivalue cells

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Currently, I'm working on a scientific project about insects, and I've been keeping a journal of the insects I've found so far. I now understand that listing the names of every insect I have been finding with each observation was a mistake. I am not authorized to share too much information because it is private, but I will add a representative sample of my situation to the table below:

# of sample insect (family)
1 Dermestidae, Histeridae
2 Histeridae, Dichotumius
3 Histeriade
4 Dermestidae, Histeridae
5 Cleridae, Dichotumius
485 Histeriade
486 Dermestidae, Histeridae
487 Dermestidae, Cleridae
488 Histeriade

Something like the above table. In my actual table, I have cells with 5 or 6 diferent insects. The thing is:

  • How can I search for all the different values? I mean, I want to create a table that contains all the different values and how many of them are... Something like the following table:
Insect (family) Count
Cleridae 54
Histeridae 154
Dermestidae 34

(There are at least 100 different insects and some of them just appear once, so it is impossible for me to search all the different names manually.

Furthermore, I was thinking about converting my table to a long structure. Something like the following;

Instead of this:

# of sample insect (family)
1 Dermestidae, Histeridae
2 Histeridae, Dichotumius
3 Histeriade
4 Dermestidae, Histeridae
5 Cleridae, Dichotumius

I want this:

# of sample insect (family)
1 Dermestidae
1 Histeridae
2 Histeridae
2 Dichotumius
3 Histeriade
4 Dermestidae
4 Histeridae
5 Cleridae
5 Dichotumius

I was thinking that this arrangement should be better than the one that I have now. I hope someone can help me with this issue. 

Jan 10, 2023 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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 The below formula will create a unique list of the insect families (where the insect families are in range B2:B100)


You will then be able to use a COUNTIF() formula to find how many tests contain each family.

answered Jan 10, 2023 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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