Career in Blockchain

+8 votes
Hey guys! I have seen a lot of people interested in Blockchain Technology these days. Friends, Colleagues, people on Social Media, they just keep on going about how Blockchain Technology is trending and most of them want to switch their career and get into Blockchain Technology. So, I thought why not use this forum to get different answers and opinions. What do you think about Blockchain as a Career? And how to start a Career in Blockchain?
Sep 19, 2018 in Career Counselling by slayer
• 29,370 points

8 answers to this question.

+3 votes

If you're a web developer, this lengthy post from The Marmelab Blog will get you started in understanding the dynamics of the technology. Its no-less-lengthy follow-up gives a hands-on example in Solidity, a language that resembles Javascript.

Career as a developer:

  1. Understand the basics of Bitcoin Blockchain — read the whitepaper, watch some Youtube videos etc.
  2. Understand Ethereum — read the whitepaper, watch Vitalik Buterin’s videos on Youtube etc.
  3. Understand various types of Blockchains and their specific use-cases: public, private and consortium.
  4. Learn about smart contracts and start coding by reading docs, articles etc.
  5. I would recommend to start of with Ethereum Blockchain development (learn solidity) and then move on to Hyperledger, Tendermint etc. 

Hope this helps!

Get your Blockchain certification today to learn more about this technology.


answered Sep 19, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points
+3 votes

Blockchain Technology is used for more than crypto-currencies, it is a distributed database. You can use it for your business, home network, to maintain data of an organization and what not.

Blockchain is like an exciting innovation which is limited only by your imagination.

Well, we humans have no lack of imagination and so the scope in Blockchain Technology is unlimited. Blockchain Technology is surely giving a competition to other trending technologies today and with this, career opportunities have also been increasing day-by-day. 

Here is a blog that will give you a brief idea on how you can start your career in Blockchain Technology.

answered Sep 19, 2018 by Omkar
• 69,220 points
0 votes
There's high demand for Blockchain. Blockchain is secure and also transparent. Jobs in this field are one of the highest paid jobs. I would never regret choosing Blockchain as my career.
answered Sep 19, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points
0 votes

I would not comment on whether Blockchain is good technology or not but, Blockchain as a career is kind of risky. There are a lot of ups and down. You do not know if the demand for Blockchain is going remain this way. I suggest you consider other career options like Machine Learning, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence.

answered Sep 19, 2018 by Janan
0 votes

Choosing Blockchain as a Career is a good choice. Many companies are switching to Blockchain Technology and so the job availability is getting high. The reason people want to switch to Blockchain is mainly because of the salary offered, which is expected to be high in 2019 at least by 20%. And the other reason I find Blockchain interesting and worth making a career switch is that you can be a part of a new way to transactions. Here is an article talking about why Blockchain as a career is a good choice.

answered Feb 6, 2019 by Raj
0 votes

There is four possible path of learning Blockchain.

  1. Blockchain Generalist- you understand the basic concepts and are capable enough to discuss its use-cases and applications in your ecosystem
  2. Smart Contract Developer- you understand what a Smart Contract is and how to code on it
  3. Blockchain Developer- you understand the concepts of nodes and consensus and can build a bridge between UI and Smart Contracts
  4. Blockchain Expert- you understand how the code of a Blockchain like Bitcoin, Ethereum network works and can code your own Blockchain network defining its rules and protocols.
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Oodles
• 220 points
Hello. I have a doubt. Doesn't a Blockchain Developer write Smart Contracts? Then isn't Smart contract developer and Blockchain developer same?
0 votes
Yes, Career in Blockchain is good. I am not in the Blockchain industry but I have few friends who switched to Blockchain industry and are earning pretty well. I have one friend who is working as a Blockchain Developer. He was first a Full Stack Developer, he did some course and switched to Blockchain Development. I met him a few days ago and he was telling me that he is enjoying his job more than when he was a Full Stack Developer.
answered Feb 18, 2019 by Mike
0 votes

 Blockchain offers several career avenues to those that are interested. Blockchain developer, blockchain project manager, blockchain designer and blockchain quality engineer are some of the key roles currently in demand. Globally, there is also a rising demand for blockchain attorneys/legal consultants stemming from the need to navigate legal issues associated with the emerging technology. IT professionals skilled in traditional domains such networking and security can also find a role in the blockchain ecosystem. Thank You.
answered Nov 23, 2019 by Akashraj
• 260 points
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