How to open an Excel Online document as a PDF

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I want to link to an Excel Online file that is in a pdf format. In other words, I need a link that opens the Excel Online file's contents as a PDF document. The excel file should ideally be editable by admin users first, and then end users should be able to read the PDF version of that file since admin users are always updating it. Can this be done? I would require a link to the document's PDF version.
Oct 17, 2022 in Others by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

1 answer to this question.

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In light of your comment above, I think the following may help you achieve your goals.

In order to develop Macros, you must first enable the Developer Tab in Excel. A macro will be created to save the excel file as a PDF. I'm going to assume that the excel file only has one worksheet. To save the macros with the file when you enable the macros and save it for the first time, you must save it as an xlsm file. After doing this, carry out the actions listed below.

  • In Onedrive create a new folder and call it "MyPubDocs" for example.

  • In Excel open up your online Xlsm file and do a SaveAs

  • In the file, dialog Box navigate to the Onedrive folder you created and take note of the folder name. It might show...

  • In Excel go to the developer Tab, if you don't see them go to File Menu -> Options -> Customize RIbbons -> Popular Commands (left) and Main Tabs (right) and check the Developer checkbox. click OK.

  • Click on Macro Button Set the Macro name to "SaveToOneDrive" ad click create.

  • That should open an IDE where you will paste the following command.

    ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="" & "MyExcelFileExportAsPDF.Pdf"

  • When creating the macro you should be able to assign a hotkey to that macro.

  • Now, whenever the admin finishes saving the excel file, they can press the hotkey or run the macro and it will save the file to the location.

  • If you want to associate the macro to the save event of the workbook, you can, but auto-save should be turned off.

  • After the first time, you saved the pdf, go to onedirve and navigate to the pdf file. Create a shareable link that you can distribute to your users. When they navigate to that sharable link it should show them the most recent pdf.

answered Oct 18, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

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