I've made a data entry form in a sheet, and I want the data to be taken out and put into a table on another sheet.
You can get a better idea of what I'm aiming for from the photographs below.

I am aware that in order to do this, I will need to connect a macro to a button.
I looked for a solution on Google and found this code, which reportedly feeds the data into a table. There is a code here;
Sub copyRow()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Long
' define which worksheet to work on, i.e. replace Sheet1 with the name of your sheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Data Entry")
' determine the last row with content in column A and add one
lRow = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
' combine G7 and G8 and copy into column A, next empty row
ws.Range("A" & lRow) = ws.[G7] & " " & ws.[G8]
' copy the other cells into their ranges
ws.Range("C6:F6").Copy ws.Range("B" & lRow)
ws.Range("C7:F7").Copy ws.Range("F" & lRow)
ws.Range("C8:F8").Copy ws.Range("J" & lRow)
ws.Range("C9:F9").Copy ws.Range("N" & lRow)
ws.Range("C10:F10").Copy ws.Range("R" & lRow)
ws.Range("C11:F11").Copy ws.Range("V" & lRow)
ws.Range("C12:F12").Copy ws.Range("Z" & lRow)
ws.Range("G6").Copy ws.Range("AD" & lRow)
End Sub