Advantages and Disadvantages of Inheritance in php

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Could someone please explain the main benefits and drawbacks of inheritance and multi-level inheritance in PHP? In advance, many thanks.
Jul 28, 2022 in PHP by Kithuzzz
• 38,000 points

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By distributing common code among numerous subclasses, inheritance helps applications contain fewer duplicate lines of code. When the same code appears in two classes that are connected to one another, the hierarchy can typically be refactored to promote the shared code to a mutual superclass. Additionally, this usually leads to smaller, simpler compilation units and better code structure.

Because classes that inherit from the same superclass can be used interchangeably, inheritance can also make application code more adaptable to changes. Whenever a method's return type is the superclass.

Reusability: The ability to use base class public methods without having to recreate them Extensibility: Extending base class logic to accommodate derived class business logic Data hiding: The base class can choose to keep some data private so that it cannot be changed by the derived class

Overriding—Thanks to inheritance, we are able to construct useful implementations of base class methods in derived classes by substituting our own methods for those of the base class.


  1. The extra time and effort required for the programme to navigate through all the levels of overloaded classes is one of the key drawbacks of inheritance. It will essentially require ten hops to go through a function defined in each of the classes that are ten levels of abstraction above a specific class.
  2. The main drawback of inheritance is the close coupling between the base and inherited classes. This implies that one cannot be used without the other.
  3. Additionally, over time, it becomes necessary to modify both base and derived classes when doing maintenance or adding new features. We will be impacted in both scenarios if a method signature changes (inheritance & composition)
  4. We will need to re-factor if a method in the "super class" or aggregate is deleted and we need to use that method. In this scenario of inheritance, things can become a little more tricky because while our programmes will still compile, their methods will no longer override those of the superclass. These techniques will develop into stand-alone techniques.
answered Jul 29, 2022 by narikkadan
• 63,600 points

edited Mar 5

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In C++, a derived class's method only overrides the base class's method if their declarations match (I say "match," but I'm not sure what the formal term is).  That is, all arguments must be of the same type, with the same const qualification.  If there are any mismatches, the derived class's method hides all methods with the same name rather than overriding.  This is what the "ERROR" in your image is attempting to convey.  So, in that image, / overrides in a comment is incorrect and misleading. Yes, many C++ instructors are unaware of these somewhat esoteric details. Furthermore, if you want to override, your base class's method must be virtual; otherwise, polymorphism will not work.  We could also say that the derived-class method hides the base-class method if it wasn't virtual.  The part about hiding, on the other hand, has almost no meaning here; what this term really means is that you're not in charge. Furthermore, overloading is the presence of multiple methods with the same name but different signatures, as you may have noticed. To be useful, they must all be present in the derived class; otherwise, they will be hidden if the derived class only has one method, fa1, and the other fa1 are in the base.  There is, however, a syntax sugar that "copies" all fa1 from the base to the derived. class A { public: void fa1(); ...READ MORE

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