How can I rename files on the fly using Python

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I have a bunch of files using classes with the following syntax

o = module.CreateObject()
a = o.get_Field

and now the implementation has changed from 'get_file' and 'set_file' to just 'file':

o = module.CreateObject()
a = o.Field

This implementation is an external package, which I don't want to change. Is it possible to write a wrapper which will on-the-fly intercept all calls to 'get_XXX' and replace them with calls to the new name 'XXX'?

o = MyRenamer(module.CreateObject())
a = o.get_Field   # works as before, o.Field is called
a = o.DoIt()      # works as before, o.DoIt is called

It needs to intercept all calls, not just to a finite-set of fields, decide based on the method name if to modify it and cause a method with a modified name to be called.

Sep 7, 2018 in Python by charlie_brown
• 7,720 points

1 answer to this question.

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You could simply use a wrapper object since you're simply accessing or assigning to fields:

class NoPropertyAdaptor(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name.startswith("get_"):
            return lambda: getattr(self.obj, name[4:])
        elif name.startswith("set_"):
            return lambda value: setattr(self.obj, name[4:], value)
            return getattr(self.obj, name)

This will have problems if you are using extra syntax, like indexing or iteration on the object, or if you need to recognize the type of the object using instance. A more sophisticated solution would be to create a subclass that does the name rewriting and force the object to use it. This isn't exactly a wrapping since outside code will still deal with the object directly (and so magic methods and instance) will work as expected. This approach will work for most objects, but it might fail for types that have fancy metaclass magic going on and for some built-in types:

def no_property_adaptor(obj):
    class wrapper(obj.__class__):
        def __getattr__(self, name):
            if name.startswith("get_"):
                return lambda: getattr(self, name[4:])
            elif name.startswith("set_"):
                return lambda value: setattr(self, name[4:], value)
                return super(wrapper, self).__getattr__(name)

    obj.__class__ = wrapper
    return obj
answered Sep 7, 2018 by aryya
• 7,460 points

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