Performing a JSON Deserialization in Talend

0 votes

Following is the sample of the JSON file I need to deserialize:

          "": {
          "": {
          "": {
          "": {
          "": {
          "": {
          "": {
          "": {

I am accessing this data using a tAmazonMysqlInput component and with the retrieval of each line of data, I need to invoke the API which gives me the first name, the last name and the company changes every time. Following is the screenshot of my Job:image

From the API I am forwarding the data to a tExtractJSONFields component which will then send it to the tLogRow component. tLogRow component will be then displaying the extracted data on the console. But my issue is, I am not able to configure the tExtractJSONFields component to show each row data on the console via tLogRow.

Please help me in configuring the tExtractJSONFields component. For your better understanding, I am adding the snapshot of my tExtractJSONFields component’s current configuration.


Apr 19, 2018 in Talend by geek.erkami
• 2,680 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

tExtractJSONFields component helps in extracting the desired data from incoming JSON fields based on the XPath or JSONPath query. Thus while working with it, two things you must pay attention to are:

  1. a valid XPath loop point

  2. A valid XPath mapping structure

You might know that while working with XPath in Talend each value needs a unique key. Which means your input data is incorrect:image

Instead, what you can use is:

      "contact": {
      "contact": {

So, now the looping point is “/contact” and the mapping for:

“Confidence” -->‘confidence’,

“Email”--> ‘email’

Remember, it becomes the opposite for the “default”.

Hope this will help!

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answered Apr 19, 2018 by code.reaper12
• 3,500 points

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