Logical calculation in Excel

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I need advice/help. I am working on calculation in excel where I have data like mentioned below.

.    A        B        C        D        E        F        G        H         
1|   A275     A277     A273     A777     A777     TOTAL    A222     GRAND TOTAL
2|   5        7        4        3        4        7        7  

Now, I want to count row 2 based on the header.
Here is the condition.
If A1 <> B1 then take A1, if B1 <> C1 then take B1, if C1 <> D1 then C1, so on.

But tricky part is...
If D1<>E1 then D1 else (if E1<>F1 then E1 else (if F1 = "TOTAL" then F1 else(if F1<>G1 then F1)))
In short H2 should have 30 and not 37.

Added comments:------------------------------------
So, Basically if A1<>B1 then take A1 but if A1=B1 then take B1, but then for B1, its a same rule like if B1<>C1 then take B1, but if B1=C1 then take C1 and for C1, same rule. Stopping point will be "TOTAL"Along with these logic I need to check if any cell in row 1 is "TOTAL" then take value for same column. Now this "TOTAL" can be in any cell in row 1.
So from above table my calculation will be 5(A2) + 7(B2) + 4(C2) + 7(F2) + 7(G2) = 30
In this calculation I have not included D2 and E2 as D2=E2 so I took D2, here E2<>F2 so I should have taken E2, but as F2="TOTAL" so I took F2 and not D2 and E2.
I hope this make sense. (Sorry, I know its confusing.)
I have data in more then 100 columns.
Can this be achieved using Macro?

Another pain point is data and header are dynamic, so I can't have a fix format. Logic should be in a way that can handle the dynamic data and header.

Any help or suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Jun 8, 2022 in JQuery by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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Use the IF function, one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. For example: =IF(A2>B2,"Over Budget","OK") =IF(A2=B2,B4-A4,"")

answered Jun 9, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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