Assuming you downloaded imgui to a place called $IMGUI_DIR and the file that contains your main function is main.cpp, your compile command line should look like the following: (Also note that the \ are just there to break up the command)
g++ main.cpp -o main \ $IMGUI_DIR/imgui*.cpp $IMGUI_DIR/backends/imgui_impl_glfw.cpp $IMGUI_DIR/backends/imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp \ -I $IMGUI_DIR -I $IMGUI_DIR/backends \ -lglfw -lGL
In order, you tell the compiler:
Where your code is and where to put the output
What Imgui code to include, namely the core library and the two backends you want to use
Where Imgui code should look for its headers
If all this sounds like a lot, know that you can simply build the example you linked and override IMGUI_DIR at compile time with make IMGUI_DIR=/path/to/imgui