How do I setup a network peering connection from multiple GCP projects to the same MongoDB cluster

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I have 3 projects in Google Cloud Platform. All have the default VPC Network, subnets etc. I have successfully peered a single project with a MongoDB Atlas cluster. However if I want to peer a second project it is not possible as there are overlapping subnet IP address ranges, since they are all created with the same default values.

What options do I have?

Can I use a Shared VPC network for all three GCP project and peer that with MongoDB Atlas?
Apr 11, 2022 in GCP by Rahul
• 3,380 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you have a project and want to peer one more with the same network and subnet values, its impossible as per your requirement can create a new VPC that doesn't overlap. To create a new VPC go to the VPC Networks page in the Google Cloud Console > Create VPC Network > Enter a name for that network > Choose Custom for the subnet creation mode > New subnet > Providing a name of the subnet > region > IP address range > If you want to create a secondary range for the subnet click on Create secondary IP range. > You can choose whether to enable Private Cloud Access for the subnet when you create it for later by editing it > Click Done > To add more subnets click on Add subnet and repeat the previous steps.> Choose dynamic routing mode for your VPC network. You can choose whether the  network has an MTU of 1460 (default) or 1500.
answered Apr 11, 2022 by Korak
• 5,820 points

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