I'm new to SAML and Azure AD. I have worked with MSAL(Microsoft Authentication Library) but the requirement is different here.
What I am asked to do is - User is logged in to browser tab1 with https://portal.azure.com/ and the browser tab2 has opened my web app (dummyexample.com). Now when the user reloads the browser tab2 i.e. my web app then the user should automatically log in as the user is already logged in to browser tab1 (in the Azure portal). If the user is not logged in tab1 then tab2 should redirect to login with azure credentials.
As much as I know it is not possible. How the tab2 reads the session/cookie of tab1? How dummyexample.com would know that the Azure AD is already logged in the browser? I am told that it's possible with SAML but I can't find any resources.
Could you please help me with the requirement?