You may discover that adding a filter, in addition to sorting, assists you to better evaluate your data. When data is filtered, only the rows that fit the filter criteria are visible, while the rest are hidden. You can copy, format, print, and so on with filtered data without having to sort or relocate it beforehand. If you want to utilise a filter, follow these steps.
Select Filter from the Home ribbon's arrow underneath the Sort & Filtering symbol in the Editing group.

Select Filter from the Sort & Filter group on the Data ribbon.
You'll notice that an arrow now appears next to the heading name in all of your column headers. You'll see a list of all the unique values in that column if you click the arrow next to the heading with which you want to filter. Click OK after checking the box next to the criteria you want to match. To further filter the data, click the arrow next to another heading.
Choose one of the following options to remove the filter:
Select Clear Filter from "Name of Heading" from the Filter icon next to the heading.
In the Sort & Filter group of the Data ribbon, click the Clear icon.
Select Clear from the Home ribbon's arrow underneath the Sort & Filter symbol in the Editing group.