I have a Run Time Error 91 for an Excel Add In

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I spent hours trying to debug this. This is a a macro to generate PDF from my selected cells. This code works on my personal workbook but when I export it as an add-in, add it in the developer tab and review the code again in the add-in workbook I keep getting an run time error 91: object variable or with block variable not set. Any help will be appreciated!

Sub Save_Selection_As_PDF_sheet()

Dim my_file As String

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
            .LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            .RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            .TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            .BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            .HeaderMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            .FooterMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0)
            '.Orientation = xlLandscape
            .Orientation = xlPortrait
            .Zoom = False
            .FitToPagesWide = 1
            .FitToPagesTall = False
            .PrintArea = Selection.Address
    Debug.Print I
    End With

Mar 25, 2022 in Database by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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"Runtime Error 91: Object variable or with block variable not set" is a runtime error that can happen on any Windows-based operating system version. The DCOMCnfg.exe file, which is frequently used to establish rights and set system-wide security settings, is usually the problem.

When this file becomes corrupted or other problems emerge, the programme becomes unusable, and Runtime Error 91 appears on the screen. However, there could be other causes for the problem, and we'll look at all the options for resolving Runtime Error 91.

Variable problems could be the result of file corruption. Users could utilise the built-in SFC scan to fix the faulty data in the system files. This procedure, however, will not work if the corrupted files are not those of Windows, but rather those of an external application, even if it is one of the PC's main programmes. As a result, you should attempt reinstalling the software that is causing the Runtime Error 91.

Enter Control Panel into the Windows search box and press Enter.
Navigate to Programs > Remove a software from your computer
Select the programme from the list, right-click, and select Uninstall

Reinstall the problematic app

answered Mar 30, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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