why aws s3 transfer acceleration is not working

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I have to upload some files that are between 3 and 7Gb to s3. The default upload speed when using the AWS Console is about 1.3 Mbs. I read about transfer acceleration here:


So I followed the steps:

  1. Turn on transfer acceleration on the bucket, in the console. Then...

    aws s3api put-bucket-accelerate-configuration --bucket [bucket name] --accelerate-configuration Status=Enabled

    aws configure set default.s3.use_accelerate_endpoint true

    aws s3 cp some_file.txt s3://[bucket]/some_file.txt --region us-east-1 --endpoint-ur http://[bucket].s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com

It uploads still at the same 1.3 Mbs. I am WFH so subject to Wifi, but still I wish it could be better. Is there anything else? Do I need to use Python boto3? I was hoping this would be quicker.

Mar 21, 2022 in Others by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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Essentially, rather than travelling the Internet to reach an AWS endpoint, traffic is routed to the nearest Edge Location, which then routes traffic over the Amazon network to the required region.

You won't get any benefit from Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration if your closest Edge Location is in the same AWS Region as an AWS Region. This is due to the fact that all of the traffic will take the same route.

To see if it delivers additional speed, you can use the Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration Speed Comparison tool.
answered Mar 24, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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