Transforming a key value string into distinct rows in R

0 votes

I am working with a data-set which has key-value strings.

The data-set looks like this:

quest<-data.frame(city=c("Atlanta","New York","Atlanta","Tampa"), key_value=c("rev=63;qty=1;zip=45987","rev=10.60|34;qty=1|2;zip=12686|12694","rev=12;qty=1;zip=74268","rev=3|24|8;qty=1|6|3;zip=33684|36842|30254"))

The data-set basically looks like this:

   city                                  key_value
1  Atlanta                     rev=63;qty=1;zip=45987
2 New York       rev=10.60|34;qty=1|2;zip=12686|12694
3  Atlanta                     rev=12;qty=1;zip=74268
4    Tampa rev=3|24|8;qty=1|6|3;zip=33684|36842|30254

Now, I would want to rearrange the above data-set into distinct rows, so the final data-set should look like this:

      city  rev qty   zip
1  Atlanta 63.0   1 45987
2 New York 10.6   1 12686
3 New York 34.0   2 12686
4  Atlanta 12.0   1 74268
5    Tampa  3.0   1 33684
6    Tampa 24.0   6 33684
7    Tampa  8.0   3 33684

The number of rows to be created will be determined by this common delimiter "|"

Mar 26, 2018 in Data Analytics by coldcode
• 2,090 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

We would start off by loading the "tidyverse" package. It is a collection of R packages designed specifically for the purpose of data science.

  • Our first task would be to expand the number of rows with "seperate_rows()" function, we will split the 'key_value' column by ';'
  • Then, we will go ahead seperate the 'key_value' column into two individual columns and we will name them as 'key' and 'value'
  • Again we will expand the number of rows by splitting the 'value' column by '|'
  • Then will group by 'city' and 'key' columns
  • Finally we will get the sequence number and 'spread' to wide format
Below is the code to implement all of the above steps:
separate_rows(quest, key_value, sep=";") %>% 
     separate(key_value, into = c("key", "value"), sep="=") %>% 
     separate_rows(value, sep="[|]", convert = TRUE) %>% 
     group_by(city, key) %>% 
     mutate(rn = row_number()) %>% 
     spread(key, value) %>%
answered Mar 26, 2018 by Bharani
• 4,660 points
0 votes

You can use this r package called tidyverse. Something like this:

separate_rows(quest, key_value, sep=";") %>% 
     separate(key_value, into = c("key", "value"), sep="=") %>% 
     separate_rows(value, sep="[|]", convert = TRUE) %>% 
     group_by(city, key) %>% 
     mutate(rn = row_number()) %>% 
     spread(key, value) %>%
answered Dec 4, 2018 by Kalgi
• 52,350 points

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