ImageProcessing with AWS Dynamodb

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I have currently followed this guide through the serverless workshop and now I have a question on how to expand the knowledge learnt from this.

The guide uses Workflow Studio for putting some information about the processed image such as s3 bucket location, thumbnail location etc.. into DynamoDB.

How can I adapt this to make store all the results of the labels/confidence into same DynamoDB table? It uses a cross of Lambda and Dynamodb put item. It uses Json API to retrieve the s3 bucket location and thumbnail location.

P.S: the attached image is the same information I want to see inside of the DynamoDB table. I'm able to see the information from step-functions.

AWS Image processing serverless

  "TableName": "wildrydes-step-module-resources-RiderPhotoDDBTable-20UF04103A8F",
  "Item": {
    "Username": {
      "S.$": "$.userId"
    "faceId": {
      "S.$": "$.parallelResult[0].Payload.FaceId"
    "s3bucket": {
      "S.$": "$.s3Bucket"
    "s3key": {
      "S.$": "$.s3Key"
    "thumbnail": {
      "M": {
        "s3bucket": {
          "S.$": "$.parallelResult[1].Payload.thumbnail.s3bucket"
        "s3key": {
          "S.$": "$.parallelResult[1].Payload.thumbnail.s3key"

enter image description here Any help would be great!

Mar 9, 2022 in Others by Edureka
• 13,690 points

1 answer to this question.

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We show how to create a data pipeline for autonomous driving that is automated and scalable. The purpose of this approach was to speed up the process of analysing recorded footage and training a model in order to improve the autonomous driving experience.

We'll show how to extract photos from a ROS bag file, label them for cataloguing with Amazon Rekognition, and create a searchable database with Amazon DynamoDB. This is so we can discover suitable photos to train machine learning (ML) algorithms for computer vision. After that, we'll show you how to use the database to discover appropriate photos, create a labelling task with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth, and train a machine learning model to recognise cars using Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth.
answered Mar 10, 2022 by gaurav
• 23,260 points

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