Difference between Image VHD and Snapshot in Azure

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I'd like to learn more about the differences between Image, VHD, and Snapshot.

  1. Is Image the same as the VHD that comes with the operating system?
  2. Is there an operating system on a VHD?
  3. Is Snapshot a VDH at any given moment?
  4. Does Snapshot include the operating system as well?
Mar 9, 2022 in Azure by Edureka
• 13,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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  1. Is Image the same as the VHD that comes with the operating system?

Ans. VHD, as the name implies, is a virtual space for storing data or a system for your Virtual Machines. VHD is used by VM to store data. It's similar to a bucket where you keep your data. It captures all of the data that the virtual machine will contain. The image contains all of the data, discs, and systems.

        2. Is there an operating system on a VHD?

Ans. Yes, a snapshot is a complete, read-only replica of a virtual hard drive (VHD).

        3. Is Snapshot a VDH at any given moment?

Ans. No, VHD is a file format that contains a virtual hard disc that is used by Microsoft Windows Virtual PC. The hard disc can be either the operating system disc or the data disc, but not both.

       4. Does Snapshot include the operating system as well?

Ans. Of course, if the snapshot is a copy of the OS disc, it contains the OS disc. However, if the snapshot is a copy of the data disc, it does not. You can take a tread snapshot at the same time as the VHD file.

answered Mar 24, 2022 by Edureka
• 12,690 points

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