I'm trying to enable a synonym map to some fields using the following code:
public ActionResult ConfigFieldToUseSynonyn()
string searchServiceName = "xxx";
string apiKey = "123123123123123123123123123";
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(apiKey));
var index = serviceClient.Indexes.Get("produtos");
index.Fields[2].SynonymMaps = new string[] { "marca-synonymmap" };
index.Fields[7].SynonymMaps = new string[] { "marca-synonymmap" };
serviceClient.Indexes.CreateOrUpdate(index, accessCondition: AccessCondition.IfNotChanged(index));
return Content("OK");
when I'm trying to find products using "dolve" it's not mapping to "dove". What am I missing?