First, replace the Power BI logo with a gif of your choice. It can be included in a div element. This element will encroach on the report's div element. The HTML code is as follows:
<div id="container">
<div id="overlay">
<img id="spinner" alt="Alternate Text" src="image/giphy.gif"/>
<div id="embedContainer" style="height: 600px; width: 100%; max-width: 1400px;">
Next, make changes in the JavaScript Code. So you final JavaScript embedding code will be:
<script type="text/javascript">
// Read embed token
var embedToken = "<% =this.embedToken %>";
// Read embed URL
var embedUrl = "<% = this.embedUrl %>";
// Read report Id
var reportId = "<% = this.reportId %>";
// Get models (models contains enums)
var models = window['powerbi-client'].models;
// Embed configuration is used to describe what and how to embed
// This object is used when calling powerbi.embed
// It can also include settings and options such as filters
var config = {
type: 'report',
tokenType: models.TokenType.Embed,
accessToken: embedToken,
embedUrl: embedUrl,
id: reportId,
settings: {
filterPaneEnabled: true,
navContentPaneEnabled: false
$("#embedContainer").css("visibility", "hidden");
// Get a reference to the embedded report HTML element
var reportContainer = $('#embedContainer')[0];
// Embed the report within the div element
var report = powerbi.embed(reportContainer, config);
report.on("loaded", function (event) {
$("#embedContainer").css("visibility", "visible");"loaded");
You can also add CSS to align you gif with your report:
width: 1400px;
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
height: 10%;
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