What is an easy way to monitor the outputs I get from sensors on the internet

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I've just recently started trying my hands in the Internet of Things with the help of tutorial videos.So,here is my work so far:

I have a Raspberry Pi connected with sensors.
I receive the output from sensors and store it in MySQL (local).

How can I send sensor outputs to a web page where I can monitor it? Do I need to buy or own a website?
Aug 24, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Annie97
• 2,160 points

1 answer to this question.

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What you need to do is :

Send your data to a server .So,it can be used in future. Hereafter, tell that you are trying to store to a database, as you did locally.

How can you view what you stored.
Send your data to a server

You need a GSM module to achieve this(remember it should support http services) - GSM SIM 900A is advisable(as you can find plenty of online tutorials on it) - and You need to get a server, better online (useful for viewing what you stored too).
Don't worry about cost, there are some websites which provide you free hosting but you can go for a paid one if you wish.

Eg : 000webhost

Prepare database as your need.So now you got your sever and database ready, raspberry pi ready.

Now you can store data to database from your board.

With this, your first step is complete.

To view what you stored, you've got plenty of options.

Visit database : You can just go to the database and find what you got in it, But I wont suggest that because - It not so user interactive (but if no other option works you can go for it - usually never happens)

website : I would suggest this option. It is not laborious task to create a web page and connect it to server. As you already own a server, you can use same server for hosting website.

Mobile App : Another option is to create a mobile app and connect it to database, so that you can view the contents on your mobile. It is not easy unless you are good in android.

I hope this helps you out.
answered Aug 24, 2018 by Upasana
• 8,620 points

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