inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation

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I have been  trying to create an application in Python 3.2 and by using all tabs all the time for indentation, I noticed that even the editor changes some of them into spaces and then prints out "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation" when I try to run the program. How could I change the spaces into tabs? As I am new to programming, I would be glad if I could get some overall tips on my code. If I have made a lot of mistakes I would be happy to hear. Have shared my code below:-

import random 

attraktioner = ["frittfall","bergodalbana","spökhuset"] 

class Nojesfalt: 
      def __init__(self, attraktion): 
            self.val = attraktion 
            self.langd = 0 
            self.alder = 0 

#längdgräns för fritt fall 
      def langdgrans(self): 
            self.langd = int(input("Hur lång är du i cm? ")) 
            if self.langd < 140: 
                  print("tyvärr, du är för kort, prova något annat") 
                  return 0 
            elif self.langd >= 140: 
                  print("håll dig hatten, nu åker vi!") 
                  print(" ") 
                  return 1 

#åldersgräns för spökhuset 
      def aldersgrans(self): 
            self.alder = int(input("Hur gammal är du? ")) 
            if self.alder < 10: 
                print("tyvärr, du är för ung, prova något annat") 
                return 0 
          elif self.alder >= 10: 
                print("Gå in om du törs!") 
                print(" ") return 1 

#åker attraktion frittfall lr bergodalbana 
            def aka(self): 
            tal = random.randint(0,100) 
            if tal < 20: 
                print("åkturen gick åt skogen, bättre lycka nästa gång") 
            elif tal >= 20: 
                return 1 

#går i spökhuset 
            def aka1(self): 
            tal = random.randint(0,100)
            if tal < 20: 
                print("du är omringad av spöken och kan inte fortsätta") return 0 
            elif tal >= 20: 
                  print("Buhuuuuuu, buuuhuuuu") 
                  return 1 

print("Välkommen till nöjesfältet, vad vill du göra?") 
print(" ") 

while 1: 
      vald_attr = input("Vad vill du göra?\n1. frittfall\n2. bergodalbana\n3. spökhuset\n4. Avsluta\n")                                  if vald_attr == "1": 
      val= Nojesfalt(attraktioner[0]) 
      if val.langdgrans() == 1: 
elif vald_attr == "2":
    val = Nojesfalt(attraktioner[1]) val.aka()
elif vald_attr == "3": 
      val = Nojesfalt(attraktioner[2]) 
      if val.aldersgrans() == 1: 
elif vald_attr == "4": 
Feb 10, 2022 in Python by Soham
• 9,710 points

1 answer to this question.

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To answer your question, start with eliminating the use of tabs. After which, set your editor to use 4 spaces for indentation. Then do a search and replace all tabs with 4 spaces. You should make sure your editor is set to display tabs as 8 spaces. Please remember that the  reason for 8 spaces for tabs is because you immediately notice when tabs have been inserted unintentionally - such as when copying and pasting from example code that uses tabs rather than spaces.
answered Feb 10, 2022 by Rahul
• 9,680 points

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