Publishing messages from AWS SNS to SQS

0 votes

As there is a limitation on SQS to support multiple consumers to process messages in parallel. ie. m1 to m10 picked by process 1 and m11 to m20 picked by process 2 and so on.. with duplication. Since this is not supported by SQS, I am thinking of using SNS + SQS (list of queues subscribed), where each process listens to its specific queue and processes records.

Is there an option to set between SNS and SQS like round-robin so that SNS distributes messages to SQS in a round robin fashion, So that each queue would have unique messages without duplication across queues?

Thanks in advance!

Aug 24, 2018 in AWS by bug_seeker
• 15,510 points

1 answer to this question.

+1 vote

Unless you are using SQS FIFO queues, your assumption about the limitation of SQS not supporting multiple parallel consumers is not correct

Standard SQS do support multiple parallel consumers.

Regarding the SQS FIFO queues they don't serve messages from the same message group to more than one consumer at a time. However, if your FIFO queue has multiple message groups, you can take advantage of parallel consumers, allowing Amazon SQS to serve messages from different message groups to different consumers.

answered Aug 24, 2018 by Priyaj
• 58,020 points

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