Sample Data in SQL:
DOB Status Policy StartDate EndDate
1/05/1983 Lapsed P1 5/05/2015 5/06/2016
1/05/1983 New Business P2 3/05/2016
2/04/1999 Lapsed P3 5/02/2016 10/06/2017
2/04/1999 New Business P4 10/07/2017
3/06/1972 Lapsed P5 6/07/2016 15/12/2017
3/06/1972 New Business P6 1/10/2017
4/12/1954 Lapsed P7 7/03/2017 1/03/2018
4/12/1954 New Business P8 1/03/2018
Goal: Add descending number based on DOB field. The expected result suppose to be like below.

Unfortunately I only can get number '1' in column #.
For column #, I have tried using index(), Window_Count (Countd(DOB), 04,0), Runnning_Total (Table Down, Pane Down, Specific Dimension : DOB), however nothing works.
I'm using Tableau desktop/server 10.0.