How efficient is Ethereum in regard to its TPS

+1 vote
Ethereum is quite slow when it comes to processing transactions. I want to use ethereum for for payment settlement in private network. How can I then use Ethereum in such a situation???
Apr 16, 2018 in Blockchain by Perry
• 17,100 points

3 answers to this question.

+1 vote
Best answer

TPS means transactions processing at any given sec. So, 10TPS would mean 10 transactions per second. Now, for Ethereum the transaction processing rate is 15-20 TPS for public blockchain, which is quite slow as compared to visa transaction handling i.e. 193 TPS (on an average) Slow transaction processing is the major reason why Ethereum is not scalable.

To eradicate such a problem, ethereum foundation is actively working on various procedures (like sharding) and other techniques. But this about the public blockchain. In private blockchain you have more control, over the number of miners, the bandwidth, the consensus model, difficulty, block processing time. So, you can do fairly well and squeezing in more TPS in a private blockchain

answered Apr 16, 2018 by Shashank
• 10,400 points

selected Jun 14, 2018 by Perry
–1 vote
Speed of Ethereum transactions mainly depends on mining, add more number of miners. It should help.
answered Apr 26, 2019 by Dev
No @Dev, that's not how it works. No matter, how many miners are there, only the first miner who mines the block matters. Adding more miners might not help but if the miners increase the speed of mining, due to hardware capacity then mining will be faster.
0 votes
If your transactions are really very slow, try reducing the difficulty level. Low difficulty level will increase mining speed.
answered Apr 26, 2019 by Reshma
Hi @Reshma. I tried this solution. But after some time, the difficulty level is getting increased.
Ya @Suman, Blockchain works that way. The difficulty level automatically gets increased after certain blocks are mined or after a certain time.
How to set the difficulty level without automatic increment? @Reshma

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